​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Our 3rd competition of the season is on Sunday 30th March 2025

It will start with riding the Flatwork phase in the grass arena, which will be followed by a course walk of the EOH unmounted (without your horse).

You will have a chance to warm up in the EOH course area before your competition commences, you are not permitted to ride the obstacles but can warm up around them.

There are 3 phases to the day, a Flatwork test, an Ease of Handling & Speed round (with the exception to the Introductory class who will ride a second EOH course in place of a speed round)

The timetable for the day & the order you will ride in, will be emailed to all entries on the Friday evening before the competition.

Entries will close on Wed 26th March 2025, this allows us to get organized with the paperwork for the day. 

Entry will be $30 for members - $50 for non-members 

These are informal competition days, you and your horses presentation should be clean & tidy and you should ride in your discipline gear eg: if you ride Western then in your Western gear and dress or if you ride English you should use your English gear and dress.

Helmets must be worn for all phases of the competition.

You can find copies of the Flatwork Tests & Ease of Handling Course plan with directives, these are printable versions, in the drop down menu to the right of this page. The EOH & Speed course plans will be listed shortly

Click Here to Enter   

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​You will need to fill in one form per Rider & Horse entry and pay your entry fee, tick the Terms & Conditions & Submit your form to complete your entry.

All three phases of the day will go towards your overall score, we will give out Certificates & Ribbons for Overall placing only.

Members scores will be added to the leaderboard.

We look forward to seeing you there.